5 Easy Steps to find your Inspiration

Hi there Amazing people

Being my first article I decided to focus on inspiration. So let’s get to it shall we.

How do we define “Inspiration?”

According to Google inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially something creative.  It’s also defined as a brilliant timely idea.

Finding inspiration

I am guessing your probably asking how to effectively inspire yourself to action.  Firstly nobody is inspired all the time.  We all go through moments where inspiration seems to elude us.  At some point we are categorised as being in a “rut” and at times it lasts longer than expected.

How do you inspire yourself?

It might seem futile attempting to change your negativity but a few simple steps can make a significant impact.

A useful article I came across goes on to define ways to find inspiration.  These are the most appealing and relevant ones which I found to be sure fire ways to call on inspiration.

The 5 ways to help you find inspiration:

1) Change your environment – Explore nature or visit the ocean or move to a new place.

2) Learn something new – A new language or a new skill

3) Google creativity quotes – Keep them around whether it’s on your bedroom wall or on your phone

4) Read or watch inspiring videos – Inspiring leaders motivate in a way which leads to action

5) Journal your thoughts – Express your feelings through journaling.  (Keep a lookout for my piece on journaling in the coming weeks)

There is no fool proof method or one size fits all.  Through reflection and the process of trial and error you will figure out what sparks your creativity and inspiration.  In no way will it always remain the same so be prepared to change and adapt.

For inspirational and motivating quotes be sure to follow my Facebook and Pinterest pages.  It’s a dash of creative sparkly inspiration to brighten your day.

Inspire, Live, Laugh, Love and Dream

All my best

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